Source code for geometamaker

import logging
import os
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

import fsspec
import jsonschema
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
import pygeometa.core
from pygeometa.schemas import load_schema
import pygeoprocessing
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr
import yaml

class _NoAliasDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
    """Keep the yaml human-readable by avoiding anchors and aliases."""

    def ignore_aliases(self, data):
        return True

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MCF_SCHEMA_FILE = os.path.join(
    pygeometa.core.SCHEMAS, 'mcf', 'core.yaml')
with open(MCF_SCHEMA_FILE, 'r') as schema_file:
    MCF_SCHEMA = pygeometa.core.yaml_load(schema_file)

# modify the core MCF schema so that our default
# template MCFs have all the properties we expect
# users to use.
    'citation'] = {
        'type': 'string',
        'description': 'a biobliographic citation for the dataset'
    'required'] = ['keywords', 'keywords_type']
# to accomodate tables that do not represent spatial content:
NO_GEOM_TYPE = 'none'

    ogr.OFTInteger: 'integer',
    ogr.OFTInteger64: 'integer',
    ogr.OFTReal: 'number',
    ogr.OFTString: 'string'

def _get_default(item):
    """Return a default value for a property.

        item (dict): a jsonschema definition of a property with no children.

        a value from DEFAULT_VALUES

        KeyError if ``item`` does not include an
        'enum', 'type', or '$ref' property.

    # TODO: read types from the #/definitions found in MCF_SCHEMA
    # instead of hardcoding values here
    # TODO: support i18n properly by using objects
    # keyed by country codes to contain the array of strings
    default_values = {
        'string': str(),
        'int': int(),
        'integer': int(),
        'number': float(),
        'boolean': False,
        '#/definitions/date_or_datetime_string': str(),
        '#/definitions/i18n_string': str(),
        '#/definitions/i18n_array': list(),
        '#/definitions/any_type': str(),

    # If there are enumerated values which must be used
        fixed_values = item['enum']
        # TODO: find a better way to choose the default
        return fixed_values[0]
    except KeyError:

    # If no enumerated values, get a default value based on type
        t = item['type']
    except KeyError:
        # When 'type' is missing, a $ref to another schema is present
            t = item['$ref']
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(
                f'schema has no type and no reference to a type definition\n'

    return default_values[t]

def _get_template(schema):
    """Create a minimal dictionary that is valid against ``schema``.

    The dict will ontain only the 'required' properties.

        schema (dict): a jsonschema definition.

        dict that is valid against ``schema``

        KeyError if a penultimate property in a schema branch
        does not include an 'enum', 'type', or '$ref' property.

    template = {}
    if 'type' in schema and schema['type'] == 'object':
        for prop, sch in schema['properties'].items():
            if 'required' in schema and prop not in schema['required']:
            if 'patternProperties' in sch:
                # this item's properties can have any name matching the pattern.
                # assign the name 'default' and overwite the current schema
                # with a new one that explicitly includes the 'default' property.
                example_sch = {
                    'type': 'object',
                    'required': ['default'],
                    'properties': {
                        'default': sch['patternProperties']['^.*']
                sch = example_sch

            if 'properties' in sch and 'anyOf' in sch['properties']:
                # if 'anyOf' is a property, then we effectively want to
                # treat the children of 'anyOf' as the properties instead.
                template[prop] = {
                    p: _get_template(s)
                    for p, s in sch['properties']['anyOf'].items()
                template[prop] = _get_template(sch)
        return template

    elif 'type' in schema and schema['type'] == 'array':
        if 'properties' in schema:
            # for the weird case where identification.extents.spatial
            # is type: array but contains 'properties' instead of 'items'
            return [{
                p: _get_template(s)
                for p, s in schema['properties'].items()
                if p in schema['required']
        return [_get_template(schema['items'])]
        return _get_default(schema)

[docs]class MetadataControl(object): """Encapsulates the Metadata Control File and methods for populating it. A Metadata Control File (MCF) is a YAML file that complies with the MCF specification defined by pygeometa. Attributes: datasource (string): path to dataset to which the metadata applies mcf (dict): dict representation of the Metadata Control File """ def __init__(self, source_dataset_path=None): """Create an MCF instance, populated with properties of the dataset. The MCF will be valid according to the pygeometa schema. It has all required properties. Properties of the dataset are used to populate as many MCF properties as possible. Default/placeholder values are used for properties that require user input. Instantiating without a ``source_dataset_path`` creates an MCF template. Args: source_dataset_path (string): path or URL to dataset to which the metadata applies """ self.mcf = None if source_dataset_path is not None: self.datasource = source_dataset_path self.mcf_path = f'{self.datasource}.yml' # Despite naming, this does not open a resource that must be closed of = if not of.fs.exists(self.datasource): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self.datasource} does not exist') try: with, 'r') as file: yaml_string = # pygeometa.core.read_mcf can parse nested MCF documents, # where one MCF refers to another self.mcf = pygeometa.core.read_mcf(yaml_string)'loaded existing metadata from {self.mcf_path}') self.validate() # Common path: MCF often does not already exist except FileNotFoundError as err: LOGGER.debug(err) # Uncommon path: MCF already exists but cannot be used except (pygeometa.core.MCFReadError, ValidationError, AttributeError) as err: # AttributeError in read_mcf not caught by pygeometa LOGGER.warning(err) self.mcf = None if self.mcf is None: self.mcf = _get_template(MCF_SCHEMA) self.mcf['metadata']['identifier'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) # fill all values that can be derived from the dataset LOGGER.debug(f'getting properties from {source_dataset_path}') self._set_spatial_info() else: self.mcf = _get_template(MCF_SCHEMA) self.mcf['mcf']['version'] = \ MCF_SCHEMA['properties']['mcf'][ 'properties']['version']['const']
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """Add a title for the dataset. Args: title (str) """ self.mcf['identification']['title'] = title
[docs] def get_title(self): """Get the title for the dataset.""" return self.mcf['identification']['title']
[docs] def set_abstract(self, abstract): """Add an abstract for the dataset. Args: abstract (str) """ self.mcf['identification']['abstract'] = abstract
[docs] def get_abstract(self): """Get the abstract for the dataset.""" return self.mcf['identification']['abstract']
[docs] def set_citation(self, citation): """Add a citation string for the dataset. Args: citation (str) """ self.mcf['identification']['citation'] = citation
[docs] def get_citation(self): """Get the citation for the dataset.""" return self.mcf['identification']['citation']
[docs] def set_contact(self, organization=None, individualname=None, positionname=None, email=None, section='default', **kwargs): """Add a contact section. Args: organization (str): name of the responsible organization individualname (str): name of the responsible person positionname (str): role or position of the responsible person email (str): email address of the responsible organization or individual section (str): a header for the contact section under which to apply the other args, since there can be more than one. kwargs (dict): key-value pairs for any other properties listed in the contact section of the core MCF schema. """ if organization: self.mcf['contact'][section]['organization'] = organization if individualname: self.mcf['contact'][section]['individualname'] = individualname if positionname: self.mcf['contact'][section]['positionname'] = positionname if email: self.mcf['contact'][section]['email'] = email if kwargs: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.mcf['contact'][section][k] = v self.validate()
[docs] def get_contact(self, section='default'): """Get metadata from a contact section. Args: section (str): a header for the contact section under which to apply the other args, since there can be more than one. Returns: A dict or ``None`` if ``section`` does not exist. """ return self.mcf['contact'].get(section)
[docs] def set_doi(self, doi): """Add a doi string for the dataset. Args: doi (str) """ self.mcf['identification']['doi'] = doi
[docs] def get_doi(self): """Get the doi for the dataset.""" return self.mcf['identification']['doi']
[docs] def set_edition(self, edition): """Set the edition for the dataset. Args: edition (str): version of the cited resource """ self.mcf['identification']['edition'] = edition self.validate()
[docs] def get_edition(self): """Get the edition of the dataset. Returns: str or ``None`` if ``edition`` does not exist. """ return self.mcf['identification'].get('edition')
[docs] def set_keywords(self, keywords, section='default', keywords_type='theme', vocabulary=None): """Describe a dataset with a list of keywords. Keywords are grouped into sections for the purpose of complying with pre-exising keyword schema. A section will be overwritten if it already exists. Args: keywords (list): sequence of strings section (string): the name of a keywords section keywords_type (string): subject matter used to group similar keywords. Must be one of, ('discipline', 'place', 'stratum', 'temporal', 'theme') vocabulary (dict): a dictionary with 'name' and 'url' (optional) keys. Used to describe the source (thesaurus) of keywords Raises: ValidationError """ section_dict = { 'keywords': keywords, 'keywords_type': keywords_type } if vocabulary: section_dict['vocabulary'] = vocabulary self.mcf['identification']['keywords'][section] = section_dict self.validate()
[docs] def get_keywords(self, section='default'): return self.mcf['identification']['keywords'][section]
[docs] def set_license(self, name=None, url=None): """Add a license for the dataset. Either or both name and url are required if there is a license. Call with no arguments to remove access constraints and license info. Args: name (str): name of the license of the source dataset url (str): url for the license """ # MCF spec says use 'otherRestrictions' to mean no restrictions constraints = 'otherRestrictions' if name or url: constraints = 'license' license_dict = {} license_dict['name'] = name if name else '' license_dict['url'] = url if url else '' self.mcf['identification']['license'] = license_dict self.mcf['identification']['accessconstraints'] = constraints self.validate()
[docs] def get_license(self): """Get ``license`` for the dataset. Returns: dict or ``None`` if ``license`` does not exist. """ return self.mcf['identification'].get('license')
[docs] def set_lineage(self, statement): """Set the lineage statement for the dataset. Args: statement (str): general explanation describing the lineage or provenance of the dataset """ self.mcf['dataquality']['lineage']['statement'] = statement self.validate()
[docs] def get_lineage(self): """Get the lineage statement of the dataset. Returns: str or ``None`` if ``lineage`` does not exist. """ return self.mcf['dataquality']['lineage'].get('statement')
[docs] def set_purpose(self, purpose): """Add a purpose for the dataset. Args: purpose (str): description of the purpose of the source dataset """ # 'Purpose' is not supported in the core MCF spec, probably because # `<gmd:purpose>` was added to ISO-19115 in 2014, and MCF still only # supports 2015. For now, we can add `purpose` in `identification`. # Later we can move it elsewhere if it becomes formally supported. self.mcf['identification']['purpose'] = purpose self.validate()
[docs] def get_purpose(self): """Get ``purpose`` for the dataset. Returns: str or ``None`` if ``purpose`` does not exist. """ return self.mcf['identification'].get('purpose')
[docs] def set_url(self, url): """Add a url for the dataset. Args: url (str) """ self.mcf['identification']['url'] = url
[docs] def get_url(self): """Get the url for the dataset.""" return self.mcf['identification']['url']
[docs] def set_band_description(self, band_number, name=None, title=None, abstract=None, units=None, type=None): """Define metadata for a raster band. Args: band_number (int): a raster band index, starting at 1 name (str): name for the raster band title (str): title for the raster band abstract (str): description of the raster band units (str): unit of measurement for the band's pixel values type (str): of the band's values, either 'integer' or 'number' """ idx = band_number - 1 attribute = self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'][idx] if name is not None: attribute['name'] = name if title is not None: attribute['title'] = title if abstract is not None: attribute['abstract'] = abstract if units is not None: attribute['units'] = units if type is not None: attribute['type'] = type self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'][idx] = attribute
[docs] def get_band_description(self, band_number): """Get the attribute metadata for a band. Args: band_number (int): a raster band index, starting at 1 Returns: dict """ return self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'][band_number - 1]
def _get_attr(self, name): """Get an attribute by its name property. Args: name (string): to match the value of the 'name' key in a dict Returns: tuple of (list index of the matching attribute, the attribute dict) Raises: KeyError if no attributes exist in the MCF or if the named attribute does not exist. """ if len(self.mcf['content_info']['attributes']) == 0: raise KeyError( f'{self.datasource} MCF has not attributes') for idx, attr in enumerate(self.mcf['content_info']['attributes']): if attr['name'] == name: return idx, attr raise KeyError( f'{self.datasource} has no attribute named {name}')
[docs] def set_field_description(self, name, title=None, abstract=None, units=None, type=None): """Define metadata for a tabular field. Args: name (str): name and unique identifier of the field title (str): title for the field abstract (str): description of the field units (str): unit of measurement for the field's values """ idx, attribute = self._get_attr(name) if title is not None: attribute['title'] = title if abstract is not None: attribute['abstract'] = abstract if units is not None: attribute['units'] = units if type is not None: attribute['type'] = type self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'][idx] = attribute
[docs] def get_field_description(self, name): """Get the attribute metadata for a field. Args: name (str): name and unique identifier of the field Returns: dict """ idx, attribute = self._get_attr(name) return attribute
def _write_mcf(self, target_path): with open(target_path, 'w') as file: file.write(yaml.dump(self.mcf, Dumper=_NoAliasDumper))
[docs] def write(self, workspace=None): """Write MCF and ISO-19139 XML to disk. This creates sidecar files with '.yml' and '.xml' extensions appended to the full filename of the data source. For example, - 'myraster.tif' - 'myraster.tif.yml' - 'myraster.tif.xml' Args: workspace (str): if ``None``, files write to the same location as the source data. If not ``None``, a path to a local directory to write files. They will still be named to match the source filename. Use this option if the source data is not on the local filesystem. """ if workspace is None: target_mcf_path = self.mcf_path target_xml_path = f'{self.datasource}.xml' else: target_mcf_path = os.path.join( workspace, f'{os.path.basename(self.datasource)}.yml') target_xml_path = os.path.join( workspace, f'{os.path.basename(self.datasource)}.xml') self.mcf['metadata']['datestamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') self._write_mcf(target_mcf_path) schema_obj = load_schema('iso19139') xml_string = schema_obj.write(self.mcf) with open(target_xml_path, 'w') as xmlfile: xmlfile.write(xml_string)
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate MCF against a jsonschema object.""" # validate against our own schema, which could # be a superset of the core MCF schema. # If we wanted to validate against core MCF, # we could use pygeometa.core.validate_mcf jsonschema.validate(self.mcf, MCF_SCHEMA)
[docs] def to_string(self): pass
def _set_spatial_info(self): """Populate the MCF using spatial properties of the dataset.""" gis_type = pygeoprocessing.get_gis_type(self.datasource) self.mcf['metadata']['hierarchylevel'] = 'dataset' if gis_type == pygeoprocessing.VECTOR_TYPE: LOGGER.debug('opening as GDAL vector') self.mcf['content_info']['type'] = 'coverage' self.mcf['spatial']['datatype'] = 'vector' open_options = [] if os.path.splitext(self.datasource)[1] == '.csv': self.mcf['spatial']['datatype'] = 'textTable' open_options.append('AUTODETECT_TYPE=YES') vector = gdal.OpenEx(self.datasource, gdal.OF_VECTOR, open_options=open_options) layer = vector.GetLayer() layer_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() geomname = ogr.GeometryTypeToName(layer_defn.GetGeomType()) geomtype = NO_GEOM_TYPE # if 'Point' in geomname: geomtype = 'point' if 'Polygon' in geomname: geomtype = 'surface' if 'Line' in geomname: geomtype = 'curve' if 'Collection' in geomname: geomtype = 'complex' self.mcf['spatial']['geomtype'] = geomtype if len(layer.schema) and 'attributes' not in self.mcf['content_info']: self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'] = [] for field in layer.schema: try: idx, attribute = self._get_attr( except KeyError: attribute = _get_template( MCF_SCHEMA['properties']['content_info']['properties'][ 'attributes'])[0] attribute['name'] = self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'].append( attribute) try: datatype = OGR_MCF_ATTR_TYPE_MAP[field.type] except KeyError: LOGGER.warning( f'{field.type} is missing in the OGR-to-MCF ' f'attribute type map; attribute type for field ' f'{} will be "object".') datatype = 'object' self.set_field_description(, type=datatype) vector = None layer = None gis_info = pygeoprocessing.get_vector_info(self.datasource) if gis_type == pygeoprocessing.RASTER_TYPE: LOGGER.debug('opening as GDAL raster') self.mcf['spatial']['datatype'] = 'grid' self.mcf['spatial']['geomtype'] = 'surface' self.mcf['content_info']['type'] = 'image' raster = gdal.OpenEx(self.datasource, gdal.OF_RASTER) attr = _get_template( MCF_SCHEMA['properties']['content_info']['properties'][ 'attributes'])[0] if 'attributes' not in self.mcf['content_info']: self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'] = [attr]*raster.RasterCount else: n_attrs = len(self.mcf['content_info']['attributes']) if n_attrs < raster.RasterCount: extend_n = raster.RasterCount - n_attrs self.mcf['content_info']['attributes'].extend( [attr]*extend_n) for i in range(raster.RasterCount): b = i + 1 band = raster.GetRasterBand(b) datatype = 'integer' if band.DataType < 6 else 'number' self.set_band_description(b, type=datatype) band = None raster = None gis_info = pygeoprocessing.get_raster_info(self.datasource) if gis_info['projection_wkt']: try: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(gis_info['projection_wkt']) epsg = srs.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1) except TypeError: LOGGER.warning( f'could not import a spatial reference system from ' f'"projection_wkt" in {gis_info}') epsg = '' # for human-readable values after yaml dump, use python types # instead of numpy types bbox = [float(x) for x in gis_info['bounding_box']] spatial_info = [{ 'bbox': bbox, 'crs': epsg # MCF does not support WKT here }] self.mcf['identification']['extents']['spatial'] = spatial_info